There are plenty of adages out there that attempt to help us regular mortals combat the environmental behemoth known as climate change. Eat less...

Linfield University’s Theatre Department hosted Eco Tales: Student-Adapted Fairy Tales this past week in the Ford Theatre. This play takes...

There are plenty of sayings out there that attempt to help us regular mortals combat the environmental behemoth known as climate change. Eat...

Linfield University sits at the epicenter of Oregon wine country. Much of the local economy is reliant on job creation and tourism brought in...

Linfield will host a Cozine Creek planting party Saturday-- rain or shine-- from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in partnership with the Greater...

SEATTLE--Starbucks CEO, Kevin Johnson, recently sent a letter to staff, stakeholders, and customers outlining the company’s short- and long-term...
The student news site of Linfield University