The student news site of Linfield University

The Linfield Review

The student news site of Linfield University

The Linfield Review

The student news site of Linfield University

The Linfield Review

Commenting Policy

The Linfield Review editorial team values each unique contribution from members of our community who visit our site. Comments are an important tool to helping readers understand all sides of a given story. We also know comments can be used to encourage our young writers and artists as they put their work out there, sometimes for the first time. 

The Linfield Review reserves the right to moderate comments on the news site and social media platforms. To make the comment section as informative and constructive as possible, we use the following guidelines to ensure that comments published on our site are relevant and appropriate. 

Comments that contain the content below will not be published on or its associated social media platforms: 

  • Personal attacks, name-calling, profane language, threats of violence, abuse, or harassment of subjects or our staff
  • Hate speech or language that discriminates on the basis of race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, gender or gender identity, sexual preference, age, region, disability, etc.
  • Spam or irrelevant information or links
  • Misinformation in any form, including unfounded conspiracy, libel, and more 

If you have any questions or concerns about our commenting guidelines, please contact [email protected]. Thank you for helping keep The Linfield Review a constructive and informative place for all.