PHOTO STORY: Black Student Union hosts multi-school event about Black leadership

Linfield University’s Black Student Union invited students from several neighboring schools to its Black Leadership Series on Sunday, Dec. 4., where speakers Jon Willis and Linfield president, Miles Davis, each started off the night after a short meet and greet. Willis is a basketball coach at Western Oregon University and Zoomed into the session. He was followed by President Davis.

Students from Willamette University, Pacific University, George Fox University, Lewis and Clark University, Western Oregon, and Oregon State University traveled to McMinnville to attend and enjoy the catered meal afterward.

Divenson Willis, junior sports management major and president of the BSU at Linfield, said this event was put on to help students connect.

“As we know, Linfield really does not have a lot of Black people on campus, so one of the main purposes of this event was to connect Black people with other Black people,” he said, in an interview with The Linfield Review. “But also, leadership has a big role in guiding our lives, so I wanted perspectives from people who are at a level of success to tell us something about what they know and understand about Black culture and tell us how they got there.”

He said he hopes this event will help revitalize the BSU after COVID and set the foundation for more events in the spring. 

To keep up with Linfield’s Black Student Union and upcoming events, check out their Instagram at @bsulinfield



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