Dillin Hall’s posters pop

Angel Rosas, Staff writer

A new poster campaign has come to Dillin Hall showing off what Sodexo and the Dillin chefs are bringing to the table.

The posters made their entrance unannounced early last month, showing off well-made sandwiches, salads, and other entrees.

Dillin’s general manager Bill Masullo said that the posters are the newest set of marketing tools that has been sent to the Dillin crew by Sodexo.

A few times a year Sodexo sends Dillin posters to be placed around the dining areas, he said. The posters feature different dishes that are served, ingredients, and the location of the farms where they grow.

“The staff and I have not been as timely as we could be to put the posters up, but are working to keep them up to date,” Masullo said.

Executive Chef Noah Bekofsky hopes that the added publicity will start a conversation between the students and the Dillin staff.

Bekofsky said he wants people to see the options that students have to choose from and understand that they have the ability to ask to add or remove something from the dish.

The chefs and other workers eat at Dillin too and want to make the food good for everyone, Masullo said. He went on to say that Dillin’s staff members look at the food that people enjoy and try to serve food that students want to eat.