CPS models new, approachable uniforms

Jonathan Williams, News Editor

Linfield College Public Safety officers are now sporting new uniforms to create a more approachable appearance for students on campus.

“Students and staff have commented that it looks more approachable, while maintaining an official appearance, which is exactly what we wanted to accomplish,” said Ron Noble director of CPS in an email.

Noble mentioned that the shirt will be worn with the black pants that officer have worn.

The only difference now is that the CPS badge is now more visible on the officer than it was before since it was previously worn at the waist of their belt.

The new uniforms are a gray polo as opposed to the bright yellow and green ones that the officers used to wear.

Officers will also wear long sleeve polo’s at large events such as football games and graduation.

Noble said that the new shirts are $20 fewer than the previous shirts that the officers used to wear.

Having officers that look approachable for students, faculty and people that visit the Linfield community is the aim of the new uniforms according to Noble.

Noble has wanted to create a strong relationship with the Linfield community so if students need help they feel comfortable talking to a CPS officer.