Amber McKenna
Dominic Baez
The Review extends congratulations to the new ASLC president-elect, Ashlee Carter, and vice president-elect, Chris Norman. You two have worked hard to earn prestigious positions, and the Review believes you deserve them. Although you have just started your year-long endeavor, we challenge you.
To you, Ms. Carter, we ask for nothing but the best. Several members of the Review staff know you personally, and we have come to expect a certain caliber of excellence from you. We will be looking forward to you coming through with your campaign promises, especially your goals.
First: “My overall goal is to be there for the students, as my slogan states, ‘Lead For You, Lead With You.’ I want to represent Linfield students in a positive way and get their voices heard while also making decisions with students’ best interests in hand.”
As reporters and editors, we are also here for the students, and we are eager to see how you will go about doing this.
Second: “I also feel that communication lines on campus are important, and I want to try improving this issue. I also know from being a Greek member that there are many issues, one including communication, needing to be resolved, and I want these to be overcome as much as everyone else.”
The Review understands how important communication is in campus life. We hope you will aid us in the following year, communicating what needs to be said to the student body. While we have no reason to complain, we ask for transparency and openness in all that you do.
And third: “Being a very dedicated person, I don’t make promises I can’t keep, and I will follow through with all plans and goals I make to the best of my abilities.”
Above all else, we hope you come through with this promise. You have a year to come through on all of your promises, Ms. Carter; we wish you the best of luck.
And to you, Mr. Norman, we ask this of you: We hope to see you do amazing things with Senate and to represent us to the best of your ability to the Board of Trustees. We rely on you to show the world who the Linfield students are and what we stand for. Please, show us you have what it takes.
To the both of you, we wish the best of luck, and we are looking forward to seeing what you and your cabinet bring to the Linfield community.