Oakland, CA ASB

Sara Levering, Staff Writer

Kaley Dahl, ’19, Tristan Dahl, ’17, Bruce Li, ’19, Daniel Endicott, ’20, Kerri Pasche, ’18

The Linfield Alternative Spring Break group that participated in Oakland, California in providing service for youth empowerment. During that week, they volunteered at Grant Elementary School in five different classrooms. The group of Linfield students organized libraries for the students and teacher, so they would have better access to their reading materials.

They also got to spend time with students reading. In spending time with the students, they did various art projects with the kids like paper making and painting. Other things they helped with was doing work in their school, garden, and organizing closets.

Tristan Dahl, ‘17, participated in alternative spring break last year and took on a leadership role this year. She viewed this job as something she was able to organize. “Taking on a leadership role was a huge privilege for me and I learned so much about service and myself,” said Tristan Dahl.

The Linfield students did artwork with the kids for their art auction that the school organizes. Overall, they worked on creating bonds with kids in the classrooms varying in age, the Linfield participants wanted to make it clear that there were adults from all over the world rooting for them and their futures.

“This was my first alternative spring break and it was so awesome. The teachers and children at the school were so appreciative of our help and were really excited that we would dedicate our spring break to help others,” said Kaley Dahl, ‘19.

The garden they worked on was completely overgrown when they first arrived and they worked with the kids throughout the week to recreate a safe and fun learning environment for them.

“The trip was 100% positive. I loved the days of service at the elementary school more than the free day we got to spend in San Francisco. The atmosphere was so light and encouraging and everyone was happy the whole time,” said Kaley Dahl.

“My group was just so excited to be there to serve. We all have a passion for volunteering and/or youth empowerment and the trip just filled us with joy. We were working with a lot of second graders that were all so adorable,” said Kaley Dahl.

“Going into the trip all of us had a passion for service and kids, so we didn’t have an issue ‘giving up’ our spring break. We all felt like we accomplished something and we helped in teachers and students fill a need during a time we were privileged to have. All of us connected with the teachers and kids in that school and I know we will all continue to volunteer because of our experience on this trip,” said Tristan Dahl.

“I feel like we made an impact on them and their school, but the kids made just as big of an impact on us. Throughout the week, we realized how excited we were to be working with kids in the future, as most of us want jobs where interacting with children would be a daily thing. For myself, I know it really helped me completely solidify the choice of becoming a pediatric nurse,” concluded Kaley Dahl.

“The five students and the group advisor grew very close on this trip, because of the service we worked on together and the discussions we had while we were in California. All of us came away from the trip with increased passion for service and children. All of the people on this trip came away with new friends, 7-year-old penpals, and lots of love for eachother and service,” concluded Tristan Dahl.