Working for the Linfield Review

Staff member application:
Editor application:
Linfield Review Job Descriptions:
Read through these descriptions, and feel free to reach out to any of the current staff members if you have questions about the application process or want to get the inside scoop on what it is like working at TLR (spoiler alert: it’s awesome). If you don’t have all these skills, don’t worry. Apply anyways and we’ll train you!
To apply, send two writing samples to the editor-in-chief, Maddie Loverich ([email protected]).
General Staff Positions
Journalism experience is not required to apply to these positions, but a hard working and enthusiastic attitude is.
Staff writer:
- Write content with readers needs in mind
- Perform research on different topics
- Interview key people (witnesses, sources, etc.)
- Communicates with Editor-In-Chief, editorial staff, and other content producers
- Attends weekly staff meetings
- Composes shots, understands framing, color and light to create a visually pleasing photograph
- Attends events to take photos that goes with articles
- Knows how to operate photo editing software
- Communicates with Editor-In-Chief, editorial staff, and other content producers
- Attends weekly staff meetings
Graphic Designer:
- Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop
- Understands layout of art and copy regarding arrangement, size, type size and style, and related aesthetic concepts
- Communicates with Editor-In-Chief, editorial staff, and other content producers
- Sketches and submits original cartoons or animation
- Works closely with section editors and staff writers
- Makes changes and corrections to cartoons or animation as necessary
Web designer:
- Familiar with WordPress (or willing to learn)
- Assists editors as needed with multimedia components in posting articles.
- Makes aesthetic and functional improvements to the website.
Social Media Content Creator:
- Organizes, produces, and maintains content on social media
- Works closely with Editor-In-Chief and editorial staff
- Assists in posting content to the website
- Assists in producing advertising for The Linfield Review
Editorial Board
Applicants must have at least one year of journalism experience, a deep understanding of journalistic practices, ability to work well with others, and quality writing samples
- Sets expectations for staff, and checks in with editors, and staff writers consistently.
- Manage staff stipends and budget.
- Maintain community relationships between faculty, staff, and administrators.
- Maintain a positive attitude and help facilitate great interpersonal relations with staff members.
- Keep production schedules moving
- Write time-relevant articles that are crucial to the student body staying well informed.
- Take responsibility for reporting on sensitive content that might require a seasoned journalist.
Managing/copy editor:
- Helps with staff organization.
- Assist editor-in-chief structure procedures and editing practices that keep things up to date on the website.
- Since TLR hires staff outside of the Journalism and Media Studies Major, the managing/copy editor helps new writers learn the ropes of news writing through tutorials and article edits.
- The managing/copy editor is expected to write one article a month in addition to attending weekly staff meetings.
Photography Editor:
- Manages media section
- Shoot photos for articles and galleries
- Knows how to operate photo editing software
- Communicates with Editor-In-Chief and other content producers
- Attends weekly staff meetings
News editor:
- In charge of managing news section content
- Creating weekly list of article ideas
- Keeping up to date on Linfield news and events
- Produce content for the newspaper
- Attends weekly staff meetings
- Edit articles and other content within section
- Communicates with Editor-in-chief, editorial staff, and other content producers
Sports editor:
- In charge of managing sports section content
- Passionate about sports
- Creating weekly list of article ideas
- Keeping up to date on sporting events and athletic department news
- Produce content for the newspaper
- Attends weekly staff meetings
- Edit articles and other content within section
- Communicates with Editor-In-Chief, editorial staff, and other content producers
Features editor:
- In charge of managing features section content
- Creating weekly list of article ideas focusing on the student bodies lives
- Attends weekly staff meetings
- Edit articles and other content within section
- Produce content for the newspaper
- Communicates with Editor-In-Chief, editorial staff, and other content producers
Opinions editor:
- In charge of managing news section content
- Creating weekly list of opinion article ideas
- Produce content for the newspaper
- Attends weekly staff meetings
- Edit articles and other content within section
- Communicates with Editor-In-Chief, editorial staff, and other content producers
Life and Cultures editor:
- In charge of managing arts & entertainment section content
- Creating weekly list of arts & entertainment article ideas
- Produce content for the newspaper
- Attend weekly staff meetings
- Edit articles and other content within section
- Communicate with Editor-In-Chief, editorial staff, and other content producers