The annual tradition of New Year’s resolutions has been the catalyst of promises for thousands of years. People decide to ring in the New Year by pledging to better themselves for the duration of the year, creating healthy habits. Consistent exercise and healthy eating are common resolutions, but how have Wildcats decided to better themselves in 2025?
Claire Heitman has decided to focus on her spending, a familiar resolution. She vows to reduce spending on makeup and other non-essential indulgences. Focusing on spending less is a smart decision for a college student. With the lack of time or opportunities for a job during the semester, it is crucial to ration savings. Not to mention, it will benefit her after her college years as well.
“It’s important to build good spending habits to better prepare me for the future,” said Heitman.
Not only has Heitman committed to focusing on spending, she has also decided to be mindful of the brands and companies she supports in terms of their effect on the environment. With fast fashion and unethical cosmetic testing, Heitman chooses to support noble businesses by doing research on their practices. Heitman’s resolutions go hand in hand. Sustainable brands do not come cheap, so her resolution of spending less will allow her to support brands that care for and consider the future of our environment.
Heitman believes she will be able to consistently abide by these resolutions for 2025 as she has been good about keeping up with her resolutions in the past. Her vows from previous years, such as exercising and eating healthier, have now become healthy habits.
Gracie Pratt’s resolution spans farther than herself. Her resolution is to be more involved and aware of what is going on in the world, not just in her community or America. She plans to achieve this by keeping up with the news and doing her own research.
“The news helps understand what’s happening and why it matters,” said Pratt.
She wants to learn about other countries’ politics, weather and other affairs. This kind of information usually does not come to us naturally. We often receive information that only pertains to ourselves. It takes effort and mindful research to obtain information about the rest of the world. This admirable resolution will only make Pratt a more well-rounded person and more knowledgeable about the world. Pratt claims she has been decent at keeping resolutions in the past, but she could do better. Hopefully, 2025 is her year.
While these two Wildcats have their resolutions for 2025, not all Wildcats believe in New Year’s resolutions. Take Rachel Hamilton, for example. She does not buy into the whole New Year’s resolution thing. She believes if you want to start something, it should be on your own terms, not determined by the calendar.
“If you have a goal, there is no reason to make it wait,” said Hamilton.
In terms of my belief in New Year’s resolutions, I maintain the idea that they can serve as motivation for little changes that can make a big difference over time. However, important changes should be attended to as soon as possible if one truly wants to better themselves. This is why when New Year’s rolls around, I make a short list of sustainable resolutions that I can implement in my everyday life.
This year, my resolutions follow my usual goals of reading more and drinking more water, but I have also decided to explore more music. I often find myself in a rut of listening to the same music over and over again. I do most of my music listening in the car where I like to sing. It is difficult for me to enjoy my drive if I’m not able to have my own private concert. It is impossible to sing along to the music if you don’t know the words. This causes me to reach for the same playlist where I know all the lyrics when there is so much more amazing music out there. Therefore, I have vowed to be intentional about exploring new artists, albums and songs when I am not in the car. That way, I will have a whole new setlist by the time I’m back in the driver’s seat.
Whether you believe New Year’s resolutions keep you accountable for your promises or are an excuse to wait to start healthy habits, they are a part of the season. While not everyone is a believer, perhaps these resolutions make the world a better place, even if just for the first few months or weeks of the year.