Remainders – an act of artist reflection

Meghan Mullaly, Staff Writer

  From August 29 to September 30 the Linfield Gallery will display the work of sculptor Pete Hoffecker Mejia. His show, titled “Remainders,” displays large abstract sculptures made from a mix of found materials and natural objects, as well as the use of colored laser cut plexiglass and welded steel. 

His creative process starts with finding materials to work with. These objects are found on the street, in thrift stores, are previous works of his, and in daring circumstances Hoffecker Mejia has “risked tetanus” to find objects in construction dumpsters. 

“[The] attraction to objects and their histories and their meanings, I think is really cool. . . The history of the objects is really important to start gravitating towards. . . so the idea of remnants has always been really important [to me]. It is also a kind of a counterpoint to the kind of coldness that is some high modernism [art]” said Hoffecker Mejia. 

Finding materials can be a slow process, but when he is ready Hoffecker Mejia begins to create. He starts with one piece, then the next piece, then the next piece, and so forth. He allows the materials to react to one another, letting chance play a large role in the placement of pieces. 

Materials and techniques range from laser cut plexiglass, wood cut circles, steel arms, high fabrication vs low fabrication items, taping, craft vs fine art, concrete casts, framing, and paint.

He enjoys using objects in non-traditional ways. Sometimes this includes tearing woven items or making a mistake permanent (such as a broken mirror becoming the focal point of a sculpture). His use of artificial turf and other plastic plants represent, as stated by the artist, the “disconnection from the land. It’s not [real plants] at all, it’s a bunch of plastic.” 

Looking beyond the abstraction and geometric elements of his sculptures, his work explores much deeper concepts. Hoffenker Mejia was born in Bogotá, Columbia, but was adopted and raised in the United States. His family felt that it was important for Colombian-made objects to be kept in the home. But despite his indegious heritage, he never truly identified with these items. 

“It’s really a unique experience to know that something you’re looking at could very well be something that was made by your mother’s hands, but having no understanding of what that object actually means. These woven objects had a really strong pull to me but also an insane disconnect” said Hoffecker Mejia.

This idea has inspired much of his work. His pieces are meant to explore the differences between culture and representation. 

“My work is primarily focused on frictions between, sort of what can be described as a double consciousness. Seeing yourself quite not reflected, at least accurately in the social landscape” said Hoffecker Mejia.

To see his sculptures in person, visit the Linfield Gallery. The gallery is currently open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturdays from 12pm to 5pm. 


To explore more of Pete Hoffecker Mejia’s work visit his website: