Mr. and Ms. Linfield take the stage

Grace Bruncke, Arts and Entertainment Co-Editor

Homecoming week was winding down and the time had arrived. The Mr. and Ms. Linfield Pageant was underway.

This year five people competed to become Ms. Linfield and three competed for the title of Mr. Linfield. But only two would come out victorious. Who would it be? That was a question for the judges.

The completion was broken into three parts: school spirit, questions, and talent. The judges had a tough decision in who would represent Linfield College.

Spirit introductions ranged from knock knock jokes to rapping a new Linfield rap. The crowd showed their support for each competitor, but some competitors had obviously brought large cheering section equipped with signs and loud screams.

The questions allowed the judges and the crowd to get to know the competitor’s thoughts about Linfield and what being Mr. or Ms. Linfield meant to them. Another question asked of the students was “what is your favorite part of Linfield.” There were chuckles in the crowd as one competitor answered Dillin and loud cheers for the crowd favorite answers of the family.

Linfield students got to see their peers show off talents such as knife juggling, singing, political jokes, and slam poetry. The crowd went wild with each talent.

The atmosphere was wild as the time to announce Mr. and Ms. Linfield arrived. Winning this year were senior Danielle Duman and Freshman Daniel Endicott.


The smile was plastered on Duman’s face after the announcement. “Being Ms. Linfield means I am able to give back to current and future Wildcats. I will always hold Linfield close and dear to my heart as it is a special place that I am fortunate to call home and consider family”.