Students weigh in on food at Dillin, ways to change your plate

Gillian Wilson, For the Review

On a campus where sustenance is scarce and Linfield growls with hunger, Dillin Hall dares to stand alone, to provide the people with food, and yet more food.

There is a common debate around campus between those who support Dillin’s food choices and those who groan at the mere mention of the word.

Upon walking into Dillin, however, it becomes hard to imagine that this debate exists due to the array of different options. While the food options change daily for each meal, some items can be counted on no matter what the weather.

“I like the pizza and salad,” said Linfield student and yo-yo-ist extraordinaire Ryan O’Dowd, ‘18.

Whenever some of Dillin’s quirkier meals are served, it is someone like O’Dowd whose culinary fallback serves as a model to the rest of us. Others may not have such a food safety net established.

As Linfield student Diana Vasquez Duque said, “Apples in grilled cheese sandwiches. It’s like, what were you thinking?” An interesting culinary choice, to be sure. Just because you can put apple slices in a grilled cheese sandwich doesn’t mean you should. Or, to take another angle, some of Dillin’s choices may call for a more sophisticated pallet than we have to offer.

Among the more eccentric dinners that have been found in Dillin Hall, some students swear that once they saw chicken nuggets served atop noodles advertised as a sort of stir-fry. The Linfield population sometimes cannot appreciate the innovation of Dillin’s menu makers.

Even when some of the meal choices are slightly questionable, Dillin always serves its daily pizza, salads, cereals, breads and more.

Dillin’s breakfasts are often well-liked—as breakfasts are wont to be—especially the brunches on the weekends. Each morning, Dillin has an omelet bar where students can order custom-made omelets at the courtesy of the toppings and the chef.

The staff of Dillin are always more than pleasant, willing to make other arrangements for students to eat if what has been prepared contains allergens or is simply not to their liking.

Sometimes, Dillin hosts special food events. Last week, there was a banana splits table. “I liked when they had banana splits, I don’t know why they don’t do that more often,” Russell Hendrickson, ’19, said. In this, Dillin shows its versatility, able to range from high-class apple grilled cheese to the more commonly favored ice cream bar.

Students have been known to complain about the food in Dillin on the social media app, Yik Yak, but the truth is that it is not all bad.