All colleges allows for a close-knit community that is supposed to support one another.
At Linfield, this seems to be the case as men from fraternities and other campus organizations joined the crowd that is usually composed of women at this year’s Take Back The Night event.
Sexual assault can be a difficult topic for students to feel comfortable discussing.
Having a community that is willing to listen, and is supportive of their friends shows the Oregon community at large that Linfield College takes the safety and well being of its students seriously.
Students at Linfield are fortunate enough to have the Consent Awareness Training Squad, more commonly know as C.A.T.S., that introduce to first year students during their orientation week what is and is not consent, as well as ways to prevent unwanted sex, and who and where they can go if they need immediate help.
It is always better to have students help other students because they feel a connection with those on the C.A.T.S. team that shows they are willing to help anyone that needs it.
The discussion that was brought around during the Take Back The Night event was that the general public doesn’t realize that men are also victims of sexual assault.
Most people don’t realize it because most men don’t often come forward or tell anyone what has happened to them.
Having other men that are allies to go to is crucial if we are to help men that have been hurt take the necessary steps to recover, and learn healthy ways to cope from what has happened to them.
With the on campus Student Health and Wellness Center that is open Monday-Friday, the Linfield community has access to medical and mental help as the center focuses on student health but also mental health through its counselors.
Talking about sexual assault is not an easy thing for anyone to do. Whether the actions happened to them, a close friend, or a family member, it can be extremely challenging to seek professional help from those that are trained to help in situations of sexual assault.
Having peers and professionals that students feel comfortable enough to talk to about what has happened to them is important if a healing process is ever to take place.
Students at Linfield are fortunate to have a kind and caring community that is willing to help anyone that needs it.
-The Review
Editorial Board