Senate approves 2013-14 ASLC Cabinet

Samantha Sigler

The 2013-14 Associated Students of Linfield College Cabinet was approved during the April 9 Senate meeting in TJ Day 103.

The new ASLC Cabinet consists of juniors Annika Yates, club director; Ali Smith, vice president of business and finance; Zane Carey, sports director; Nicole Paulachak, publicity director; freshmen Nick Knonen, student center director; Shelby Porter, secretary; and sophomore Alli Halley, vice president of programming.

The hiring committee included juniors Dillon Casados, ASLC president elect, Jake Baker, ASLC vice president elect, freshmen Julian Adoff, Savannah Smith, senior Harper Taylor and Dan Fergueson, director of college activities.

A total of 20 students applied for the seven positions.

“It was very intense during the evaluation process where we made our decisions,” Baker said in an email. “But in the end, I am very happy with those who were selected.”

Before approving the new Cabinet, tension rose as senators questioned why students were placed in positions they did not apply for.

“Everyone is in the best place for them to not only do their job well, but impact the future of ASLC and Linfield College,” Baker said.

Students were chosen on the basis of their future contributions to ASLC, background and potential abilities to fulfill their positions well. Multiple students were also torn between which positions they wanted to apply for, which was also taken into account.

“Based on the people that were on the hiring committee, I don’t think there will be any issues [with the new Cabinet],” said senior Susana Fajardo, current ASLC vice president. “It’s a very thorough process before it even hits the Senate floor.”

Goals that the new Cabinet has for the upcoming school year include supporting one another, hiring an excellent staff and helping clubs and students get more involved.

“One of my main goals is to really support our team and increase campus outreach to the students,” Porter said. “I’m really excited to see what we’re going to do. Hopefully {we will] make the campus a better place for students.”


Samantha Sigler/News editor

Samantha Sigler can be reached at [email protected].